NCCS Pune Project Training in Life Sciences for M.Sc/Integrated M.Sc/M. Tech degree pursuing candidates

For Project Training during the period January - 2011 to June - 2011
NCCS invites applications from the eligible candidates pursuing their M.Sc. and integrated M.Sc. / M. Tech degree (those completed at least three years) in any branch of Life Sciences to undertake Project Training as a part of their dissertation work/course curriculum at this Institute.

Candidates may submit their typed applications through the Head of the Department / Principal of College/University/Educational Institute in the prescribed format* to the Co-ordinator, Academic Cell, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune - 411 007 . Heads are requested to forward maximum 2 applications. Please superscribe "Application for M. Sc. Project Training" on the application form as well as on the envelope. Applications received directly / not forwarded by the Head of the Department will not be considered. NCCS will not give any stipend, Hostel accommodation and will not charge any fees for the project training.

The list of selected candidates will be put on NCCS Website by 15.11.2010.

Last Date: on or before 31.10.2010

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