Guest Writer: My experience at CFTRI

For a change I have my college friend Anjaneyulu.K (often known as Anji) as guest writer on my blog,sharing his experience on CFTRI.

Hi all, this is Anji .I am currently doing my PhD @ NUS,Singapore.Just wanted to share some of my experiences.

During, i've got selected for Indian Academy of Sciences summer research fellowship did my training in CFTRI, under Dr. V. Prakash, Director, CFTRI, mysore. Mostly these sort of selections will be based on the candidate's profile and some times they may even ask to submit a write up.CFTRI is a wonderfull institute with well equipped labs,lot of departments, sweet people and beautiful gardens as well. The ambience and work culture i great. One will get all the freedom in this world, to work on any instrument at any time. For anybody who wants to start a research career, it is one of the good insitutes in india. My first impression, obviously bit nervous when I met the director of such a great organisation for the first time in my life, but it was a great experience. People had been very kind and helpful to me all throughout my stay. Right from labmates to msc students everybody is so helpfull and friendly.

Coming to the main point: work, "research needs lot of patience", really came to know why people say so. Frankly speaking, used to get bored lot of times, when results r not coming thruogh my way and got to repeat the same experiments umpteen no. of times. Again should mention the guidance and encouragement that scientists and labmates has given me,by which, things used to be on track within no time. There used to be departmental and institute seminars every week and occaionally lectures from renowned people from other organisations as well. A few of them, i will never forget in my life.

I enjoyed the stay to the fullest extent considering both research and nonresearch activities. I recommend to all the youngsters not to miss oppurtunities like this.Apply to all the training programs in india and if possible even abroad .All the very Best
by Anjaneyulu .K (Btech(Anits),Mtech(BHU),PhD(NUS))

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Happpy Weekend....Happy Learning.....

Indi Proff

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