Indi Proff's Education: Basics about Stem Cells

Stem cells are the basic cells from which any cell produced or reproduced according to the need of the organism.( If I say stem cell then I am pointing out specifically of the advanced and developed creatures like Humans, Mice, monkeys etc). These are term stem cell because from these cells almost all the cells can be dervied or obtained. They are basically of no use and are called blank cells ,unless and until there is a specific function assigned to them. Since our body is a product of a single cell or let us say the building blocks we constitute are cells, scientist and researchers are highly concentrating on the mother cells which are nothing but the Stem cells.

Below is a good description of stem cells....

Watch this video for more simpler explanation.....

Want to watch some recent political changes on Stem Cell Research then you need to refer to President Obama's Speech on Stem Cell research.......

Indi Proff

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