Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune Science Club Conducts: Mimamsa 2010

What is this all about?
Mimamsa-2010 would be a three-day long science related event in which teams from Science and Engineering Colleges would compete to show off their understanding of core concepts in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Unlike other regular science quizzes based on factual knowledge, Mimamsa aims to challenge the scientific thinking abilities of the participants.

The preliminary written test would be a one-hour written test. The finals would be two day long, each day comprising of two sessions each. Each session would have a set of challenging Q&A rounds and presentations, designed to judge the scientific attitude of the participants.

Who Can Apply?

Category 1:Team Participation
Each college can send only one team consisting of at most 4 students.
Team members must be from First, Second or Third year of Bachelors/Integrated MSc course or equivalent programs.
The top four teams selected through the preliminary round shall proceed to the finals.

Category 2: Individual Participation
Any number of individual participants can participate from a given college.
The individual must be from First, Second or Third year of Bachelors/Integrated MSc course or equivalent programs.
The top five individual participants selected through the preliminary round shall proceed to the finals.
However note that this category of participation will be considered for the competition, provided that at least 10 individual participants participate in the preliminary round.

Important dates
Deadline for applications: Spot-registration closes at 10:30 AM on the 23rd of January, 2010. (However, people eager to participate are encouraged to register before 15th of January by email.)

Preliminary Round: 23rd of January, 2010

Finals: 30th and 31st of January, 2010

General Rules and Instructions:
1. The preliminary round will be held on 23rd January 2010, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. The results shall be declared on the same day.
2. The finals shall be held on 30th and 31st January (Saturday and Sunday), 2010 at the IISER campus.
3. Spot registration for MIMAMSA-2010 shall be done from 9:00 am to 10:00 am on 23rd Jan 2010 at the IISER Pune Campus.
4. Entries would not be entertained after 10:30 am.
5. We encourage the participants to register before 15th Jan 2010, by sending an email to `scienceclub at', giving the required team/individual details i.e. name, affiliation and contact details.
6. All participants need to carry their college ID cards.
7. For team participation, the team members must produce a completely filled ‘Team participation form’ at the time of registration.
8. For individual participation, the individual must produce a completely filled ‘Individual participation form’ at the time of registration.
9. IISER-Pune will not participate in the event.
10. Decision of the judges will be final.
11. There is no entry fee for participating in Mimamsa-2010.
12. The winners shall receive the ‘Mimamsa’ Rolling Trophy and attractive prizes.
13. Science Club, IISER Pune reserves all the rights to add/modify the rules without prior intimation.

Website Details:

Indi Proff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Mimamsa-2011 website: