19th New Delhi World Book Fair to be inaugurated by Union HRD Minister Shri Kapil Sibal 30th January 2010

The 19th Edition of the biennial New Delhi World Book Fair (NDWBF), organized by National Book Trust, India, is to be inaugurated by Union HRD Minister Shri Kapil Sibal on 30th January 2010. Prof. Irfan Habib, eminent historian, will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest, while Prof.(Mrs.) Temsula Ao, Dean, School of Humanities and Education, North –Eastern Hill University; Shillong will preside over the inaugural function. The Fair is from 30 January to 7 February 2010 daily from 11 am to 8pm. Entry is free for school children in uniform accompanied by teachers on weekdays.

The Fair has many interesting features to offer. First, a serious attempt has been made to find a connection between the worlds of books with that of sports as the Theme of this year’s world book fair is Reading Our Common Wealth: An International Rights Exhibition of Books on Sports on the occasion of the XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi. Nearly 700 titles published by around 75 publishers across the country on different genres of sports are being exhibited at the Theme Pavilion. A special International Rights Catalogue, with bibliographic and copyright details of more than 550 titles, based on this exhibition has also been brought out, which will be released by the HRD Minister during the inauguration of the NDWBF.

In the Theme Pavilion, which also houses children and youth pavilions, many interactive session with some of the eminent sports personalities have been scheduled to inspire the youth and children. A Special Exhibit of the Books on and by Jawaharlal Nehru to showcase his contribution to the world of books has also been organized at the Foyer area of 7E, which will also be decorates with some beautiful panels.

Indi Proff

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