1st Annual Bio Poster Competition 2010 at ISquareIT | I2IT ,Pune

What is this all about?

School of Biotechnology, I2IT, Hinjewadi, Pune, invites all undergraduate and graduate students in any field of the bioscience and bio related science to join the 1st Annual Bio- I2IT student poster Competition

Date and time of presentation

February 27th - from 10:00 AM o 4:30 PM


I2IT, Hinjewadi, Pune

Topics for the Poster
Basic research in biology (e.g. genomics, proteomics, molecular biology, immunology, cell biology, enzymology, microbiology, bio chemistry, nanotechnology) Applied research in biology and medicine (e.g. medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical research, toxicology, therapeutics, diagnostics, bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, nanotechnology) Engineering applied to the biosciences (e.g. biomedical engineering, biomechanics, manufacturing, biophysics, nanotechnology) Food and agriculture (e.g. functional foods and nutraceuticals, food processing, agricultural biotechnology and advanced agriculture) Bioprocessing (e.g. microbial fermentation and cell culture, bioconversion, bio-fuels, manufacturing) Business posters related to opportunities in the biosciences (e.g. market analysis, demand projection, commercialization plans)


Cash Prizes and Trophies Winners from each category will be given free registration and one night accommodation to the 2nd Annual Biotech Conference for Students on 13th and 14th November 2010 at I2IT, Pune All the presenters and attendees will be awarded certificate of participation/presentation Decision of the judges will be final

Registration deadline is February 24th 2010

Website Details: for registration visit http://www.isquareit.ac.in/NEWS+ROOM/Announcements/Bio%20Poster/index.aspx

Indi Proff
courtesy: i2it

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