Faculty positions at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad in Inofrmation Technology | Electronics

What is this all about?
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for Faculty Positions Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

Who Can Apply/Desired profile for each Post
Appointment of lecturer is temporary and will be made on contract for a period not exceeding three years at present. Minimum Qualification (for all faculty positions): Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of  grades, etc.) at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch, with a very good academic record throughout. In addition, for

Professor: 9 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least 5 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor.

Associate Professor: 8 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor.

Assistant Professor: 3 years teaching/research/industrial experience.

Lecturer: Fresh Ph.D’s in concerned subject without teaching experience. Deserving candidate pursuing Ph.D. and having outstanding academic records from reputed Institute, may also be considered and on being selected will get an opportunity to complete their Ph.D. within 3 years from the date of appointment along with a yearly performance appraisal. Thereafter they can be considered for the post of Assistant Professor if found suitable.

Area of Work/Research
Information Technology - Algorithms, Operating Systems & Compiler Design, Networking, Discrete Mathematics, Software Engineering, Real-Time Systems, Simulation & Modeling, Computer Architecture & System Software.

Electronics – Digital Design, Instrumentation & Control, Device & Circuit Modeling, Mixed Signal VLSI Design, RF (Circuit & VLSI) Design & MEMS.

Salaray: As per the institute

Application forms for all the above positions can be downloaded from http://www.iiita.ac.in/  or can be obtained from IIIT-A, on request, along with a Demand Draft of Rs.300/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/OBC candidates) drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of IIIT-Allahabad & made payable at Allahabad. Applications (paper or electronic) should be sent to the undersigned, at
Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad,
Jhalwa, Allahabad-211012,
Uttar Pradesh.

Submission Deadline: February 25, 2010.

Important Info:
• Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview.
• More stringent criteria may be applied for short listing the candidates to be called for interview.
• The Institute reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without assigning any reason.
• Minimum requirements of qualifications and/or experience can be relaxed in respect of exceptionally outstanding candidates.
• Application not found suitable for higher positions may be considered for lower positions in the same area of specialization.
• The pay carries all other allowances as admissible to a Central Government employee stationed at Allahabad.
• Suitable perks are also being offered to Faculty Members.
• Reservation policy of GoI shall be applicable as per rules.

Website Details: http://www.iiita.ac.in/

Indi Proff

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