Lady Tata Memorial Trust invites applications for the Young Researcher Award | 2010

What is this all about?
Founded 1932
Bombay House, Homi Mody Street, Mumbai 400 001

Applications are invited for the ‘Young Researcher Award – 2010’

This Scheme is instituted by the Lady Tata Memorial Trust (LTMT) to annually recognize and reward young Indian scientists with outstanding track record in biological sciences, with a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to major problems related to human diseases and potential for high quality research. Applicant should have publications in well recognized peer reviewed journals of repute and contributed to knowledge generation that has created significant impact in the field of translational possibilities.

All areas of Life Sciences and Biotechnology related to human diseases will be covered by this Award.

Who Can Apply?
(i) The Award is open to Indian Nationals who are below the age of 40 years, and who have
displayed a potential for high quality research.

(ii) The applicant should possess a Ph.D. degree in any Biological Science or a Master’s degree in Medical Sciences, or an equivalent degree in Biotechnology related areas. The applicant must have at least 4 years professional experience in the specific area after obtaining the above degree.

(iii) The applicant must have a regular position in an Indian University/Organization/Institute and
should be engaged in research and development. The awardee will be eligible for regular
research grants through extramural and other research schemes of various S&T agencies of the
Government of India. Applicants currently working abroad may apply provided that they have
confirmed placement in an Institute in India.

Award Details
The amount of the Award will be Rs 10,000 per month in addition to regular salary from the host
institute. In addition, the awardee will receive a contingency grant of Rs 5.00 lakhs per annum for
meeting the expenses on consumables, minor equipment, international and domestic travel,
manpower and other contingent expenditure to be incurred in connection with the implementation of
research project under the Award.

For detailed Information Sheet and Application Form please access the website

Submission deadline: The last date for receiving the duly filled applications at the Lady Tata Memorial Trust is 1 February 2010.

The Award is effective from 1 April 2010.

Indi Proff

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