What is this all about?
In recent years, Remote Sensing and GIS techniques have emerged as one of the most versatile decision making tools in the geospatial domain with increasing applications in new areas. Integrated application of these two techniques culminates in harnessing the natural resources with incredible speed and reasonable accuracy, even from inaccessible areas, to help the process of planning the integrated development of a region. They are widely used in monitoring, management and planning in diverse fields of activities, such
as, sustainable development, infrastructure development, disaster management, environmental monitoring, resource inventory, rural and urban planning etc. Remotely Sensed data from Aerial photographs and Satellites, combined with GPS serve as the basic database in GIS for multi-criteria decision making in several applications, viz., groundwater and mineral exploration, land use / land cover, wasteland management,
inland water resources, mining, agriculture, forestry, coastal mapping and development, land records, health care, socio-economic, crime investigation etc., to name a few.
The main objective of this course is not only to expose the participants to the rapidly growing field of Remote Sensing and GIS but also to motivate them to take up research in this rapidly growing field of science and technology.
Course Content
• Concept of Remote Sensing, optical, thermal and microwave remote sensing, data acquisition, aircrafts and satellites, visual and digital remote sensing, analysis and interpretation of visual and digital remote sensing data, applications of remote sensing in geology, agriculture, forestry, urban and rural planning, land use / land
cover, groundwater, mineral and hydrocarbon.
• Basic GIS concepts, spatial data models, data structures, database creation and manipulation, map analysis, geostatistical analysis, 3D GIS, project planning,
• Basic concepts of GPS
Resource Persons
Faculty from IIT Kharagpur and experts from other premier Institution/ Organization will deliver Lectures followed by Laboratory classes.
Who Can Apply?
Course is exclusively for Teachers of AICTE approved Colleges / Institutions / Universities interested in the fields of Remote Sensing and GIS. Since it is an Introductory Course, Teachers who have undergone such Courses or are involved with teaching or research in the fields of Remote Sensing and GIS should not apply.
Depending on availability of seats, any person other than Teachers of AICTE approved Colleges / Institutions / Universities can join the Course as Self sponsored participant.
Interested participant from approved Colleges / Institutions / Universities is requested to send the filled up Registration Form (appended below - to be downloaded), forwarded through proper channel (mandatory) to the Course Coordinator latest by February 5, 2010. However, in view of the limited number of seats, admission will be made on first come first serve basis. All Registration Forms must be accompanied with a Demand Draft of amount Rs.500/- drawn in favour of “CEP – STC, IIT Kharagpur” on any National
Bank at Kharagpur. Demand Drafts will be returned to selected candidates who join the Course, as well as to unselected candidates. However, Demand Drafts will not be returned to the selected candidates, who do not join the Course. Self Sponsored participant can send Registration Form accompanied with a Demand draft of amount Rs. 8000/- in favour of CEP-STC, IIT Kharagpur on any National Bank at Kharagpur. Forwarding through proper channel in the Registration Form is not mandatory for such interested participant.
Financial Assistance
Selected participants will be eligible for reimbursement of railway fares both ways (to the maximum extent of AC 3 tier) via the shortest route; and free lodging and boarding during the duration of the Course. Self sponsored participants have to bear their travel, lodging and boarding costs. However, accommodation can be arranged on prior information.
Submission deadline: February 3, 2010
Website Details: ForQueries,application information and other details visit http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/downloads/amit_gis.pdf
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