Chemistry JRF Vacany at JNU New Delhi

School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

JRF (ONE) in Chemistry

Applications on plain paper are invited for the post of JRF in DST INSPIRE FACULTY project (No. IFA12-CH-61) entitled "Nitrene insertion and NHC-catalysis approach for stereoselective construction of
heterocycles", under the supervision of Dr. Ankita Rai.

Salary: As per the DST rules and guidelines.

Essential Qualifications: M. Sc. in Chemistry with 55% marks and have qualified CSIRUGC test for NET-JRF. The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The appointed candidate may be enrolled for Ph. D. program in Chemistry in the School of Physical Sciences, JNU as per the University rule. The competent authority may select candidate in the lower position against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidates and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification (s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates appearing for the interview.

The candidates are required to apply with their detailed CV as email to or The hard copy of application with full details (qualifications, age, email ID, contact
number etc.) and CV should reach the undersigned on or before 31st December 2013 positively. The date of interview for shortlisted candidates will be informed through email/telephone or the candidate
may also confirm after last date of advertisement at following contact.

Contact Address:
Dr. Ankita Rai
Assistant Professor
Room # 110
School of Physical Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi - 110067
Mobile: +91-9818259718

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