PhD @ NCL,Pune

Here we have yet another India's Premier Research institute's PhD Notification: NCL, Pune.

NCL has an active research program leading to Ph.D. degree in all the above mentioned areas. It provides a stimulating atmosphere, which fosters creativity and encourages innovative thinking and research. Various awards including travel grant to attend conferences abroad are provided to Ph.D. students. Additional incentives will be available for interdisciplinary research.

The research groups are supported by several high quality resource centers e.g. High Performance Computing facilities, Center for Materials Characterization, Central NMR facility,Catalyst Pilot Plant, Combi-chem-bio Resource Center and Digital Information Resource Center.

Areas of Research:

• Agricultural Biotechnology
• Artificial Intelligence
• Bioorganic Chemistry
• Catalysis
• Chaos Theory and Turbulence
• Chemistry of Materials including
• Complex Fluids and Polymer
• Energy Technology
• Fluid Modeling and Computational
Fluid Dynamics
• Green Chemistry
• Mathematical & System Biology
• Microbial and Mammalian Cell
• Molecular Host-pathogene Interactions
• Molecular Marker Technology
• Nonlinear Dynamics
• Organic Chemistry
• Plant Tissue Culture
• Polymer Science
• Process Design Modeling and
• Reaction Engineering
• Separation Science
• Structure-function and
Crystallography of Biomolecules
• Theoretical Chemistry and
Computational Science

Selection Procedure:

Applications are invited from candidates who are holding M.Sc. degree or equivalent in all branches of Science and have qualified in CSIR-NET under CSIR/UGC fellowship scheme or DBT/ICMR JRF examination scheme or BioInformatics National Certification (BINC)Examination, for admission to the Ph.D. programme.

Selection for admission to the Ph.D.programme will be done on the basis of an interview to he held at NCL in broad disciplines of Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Life Sciences, Physical & Theoretical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Polymer Science and Chemical Engineering. The number of students to be selected in each of the above disciplines will depend on the vacancies that will exist for each of the disciplines. A candidate may choose to be considered in any three of the above disciplines. The candidates will be interviewed separately in each of the disciplines of his/her choice. Separate merit list will be prepared in each of the above disciplines.

Stipend and Others :

The selected JRFs will be eligible for a stipend of Rs.12,000/- p.m. + House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible under rules and a Contingency grant of Rs.20,000/- per annum.On completion of two years, JRFs could be upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) on assessment which will enable them to get Rs.14,000/- p.m. The total tenure including the fellowship period shall not exceed 5 years.

Kindly note that no TA/DA, will be paid to you for attending the interview
and completing the counseling.

Important Information :

Candidates who fulfill the above requirements may kindly send their applications in the prescribed proforma addressed to the Section Officer, Student Academic Office, Room No.264, 1st Floor, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411 008, along with copies of testimonials in support of educational qualifications and CSIR-NET award letter issued by CSIR or DBT/ICMR JRF qualification letter duly superscribed “Application for Ph.D. Programme”. The proforma may be downloaded from Last date for receipt of application is Friday, 22nd May, 2009. The interviews will be held on 2nd and 3rd June, 2009 at NCL in the Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Main Building. Please report at 9.00 a.m. on 2nd June,2009.

Please note that the candidates, who fulfill the above criteria of eligibility, may directly appear for the interview at NCL on Tuesday, 2nd June, 2009 and Wednesday, 3rd June, 2009.However, submission of application form is mandatory. Merit list for different disciplines will be announced after the interviews i.e. on 3rd June, 2009 itself. We are arranging presentation by research guides to facilitate choice of guides by students. You may consider staying back in Pune for two to three days more after the interview, so that in the event of your selection, you may
complete the counseling and selection of research guides. In case it is not possible for you to stay back, your placement will be made as per the option of research guides to be exercised by you during the interview.

NO further communication e.g. call letter will be issued for interview, separately. Please also note that the candidates, who have passed NET examination
under Lecturer category are NOT eligible.

For Further Information Contact NCL Website :

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