Public Institutes
1. National grape research institute (IARI)
2. Agarkar Research Institiute (DST)
3. National Aids research institute (ICMR)
4. National chemical laboratory (CSIR)
5. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
6. National institute of Virology (ICMR)
7. Microbial containment complex (ICMR)
8. National research centre for grapes(nrcg)(ICAR)
9. Inter university center for astronomy and astrophysics(autonomous institute setup by UGC)
10. Central Water and Power research station
11. Institute of Natural organic agriculture
12. National research center for onion and Garlic
13.University of Pune
Private companies & research institutes
1. Geneombiotech
2. Vasantdada sugar institute
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