Workshop on Development of Concept in Modern Biology organised by School of Life Sciences, JNU New Delhi

School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110 067, India

UGC Networking Resource Centre (UGC-NRC)

Workshop on ‘Development of Concept in Modern Biology’

Date of Workshop: 13–16 December 2010

Applications are invited from college/university teachers for participating in a workshop on ‘Development of Concepts in Modern Biology’. The workshop is aimed towards enhancing knowledge in selected areas of modern biology and to help the participants in developing independent research aptitudes. The workshop would include an in-depth review of current status of various facets of modern biology and ‘interaction based training’ on developing research projects including writing grant applications. The workshop will be held from 13–16 December 2010 under the auspices of ‘UGC Networking Resource Centre’ at the School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University.

Eligibility: Ph.D. in any area of biological sciences or allied subjects with teaching/research experience not exceeding 10 years for college teachers and 5 years for university teachers.

The application including curriculum vitae sent through proper channel should reach the office of The Dean, SLS, JNU, New Delhi 110 067 . Twenty participants will be selected with due consideration for nationwide regional representations. Also, preference will be given to teachers currently working in under privileged states/ regions. AC II tier train fare will be paid to the participants upon completion of the workshop while stay, etc. will be arranged by the organizers.

Address for correspondence: Prof. R. Madhubala, Dean School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067.Please write on the envelop ‘Application for the UGC Networking Resource Programme’.

Last date for application: 10 November 2010

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