As part of the Theme of February.I am bring forward a very interesting post which I posted on 12/17/09.Please enjoy reading the article.
In India, Radioactive waste management facilities are located at seven DAE (Department of Atomic Energy) centers, namely Trombay, Tarapur, Kalpakkam, Rawatbhata, Narora, Kakrapar and Kaiga. These facilities have been designed, constructed and commissioned based on the research and development programme which was initiated four decades ago alongwith the inception of nuclear energy programmed in the country. The facilities incorporate waste management systems for treatment and disposal of radioactive waste generated in the form of gas, liquid and solid.
Radioactive gaseous waste is decontaminated at source by treatment processes like demisters, adsorption, filtration through high efficiency particulate air filters etc and after monitoring, discharged through tall stacks for further dispersion.
Radioactive liquid and solid waste is categorized as low, intermediate and high level radioactive waste based on the activity content. The waste is segregated and provided treatment to retain bulk of the radioactivity.
Low & intermediate level radioactive liquid wastes are subjected to treatments such as chemical, ion exchange, evaporation and membrane separation. The bulk of the radioactivity is removed and conditioned in a suitable matrix like cement. The solidified waste is packaged in suitable containers and are stored/disposed in near surface disposal facilities. These facilities are designed on multi-barrier principal and have elaborate monitoring and surveillance provisions. The treated effluents are monitored and discharged well within the authorized limits to the environment.
High level waste is vitrified into borosilicate glass matrix and encapsulated in steel canisters. These canisters are later stored for interim period in specially made air cooled facilities.
All these Adequate arrangements have been made for the disposal of nuclear energy waste in the country by DAE (Department of Atomic Energy)
Indi Proff
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