Project Associate post in Physics at School of Physics, University of Hyderabad | Hyderabad

 What is this all about?
Applications for the post of Project Associate are invited for a temporary post in the project titled “Establishment of a National MEMS Design Center” funded by National Program on Micro and Smart Systems (NPMASS).

Number of Posts: 1

Remuneration: Rs.15,000/- per month (consolidated)

Duration of the Post: 3 Years

Who Can Apply? M.Sc (Physics/ Electronics), M.Tech or equivalent (in Electronics or a related area) or B.Tech with project experience in MEMS)

Desirable Qualification: Experience in working with design of MEMS.

Work Profile
The work of the selected candidate involves primarily design of MEMS and making a few MEMS design softwares available for interested users. Candidates having prior experience in a related area may attach a write-up on their experience along with their application. Prior experience includes courses/ subjects studied in related areas.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send their Application and biodata on plain paper or by email. At the time of interview, 2 attested copies of the certificates along with the originals will have to be produced. The applications should reach the below address . Eligible candidates will be informed about the date of interview which is expected to be within a week of the last date. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
The applications are to be sent to :
Dr.K.C.James Raju
School of Physics
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad- 500 046
Fax: 040-23010227

Submission deadline: on or before 10th February 2010

Website Details:

Indi Proff

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