Walk in interview for Project Positions at NCCS, Pune (2 posts) in Cancer Research

What is this all about?

Walk in interview program for the following Project post tenable at National Centre for Cell Sciences, Pune.

Area of Work/Job profile
Junior Research Fellow (One Post) (Unreserved)

‘Epigenetic mechanisms in Ovarian Cancer progression"

Age: 28 Years

Who Can Apply?
M.Sc. in Bioinformatics / Biostatistics / Biotechnology / Microbiology. The work will involve a combination of computational biology and wet-lab work and candidates with a preference for such work should apply.

Fellowship/Salary: Rs. 12000/- + 15% HRA

Tenure: 03 Years

Area of Work/Job profile
Research Associate (One Post) OBC

"Epigenetic mechanisms in Ovarian Cancer progression"

Age: 35 Years

Who Can Apply?
Ph.D in Bioinformatics / Biostatistics / Biotechnology / Microbiology

Fellowship/Salary: Rs. 16000/- + 15% HRA

Tenure: 03 Years

Applications and Selection Procedures
Candidates fulfilling the above requirements may attend the Walk in Interview on the above date, time and address. No TA will be paid for attending the interview.
Candidates are required to report at 9:30 am sharp on the date of interview with the following documents :

1. Biodata form duly filled in (download from the website)

2. All relevant original documents with a set of attested copies thereof.

Walk-in Date: 06.01.10
Time: 9:30 am at NCCS Complex

Website Details: http://www.nccs.res.in/

Indi Proff

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