What does Climate Change Summit 2009 held at UN Head Quarter conclude

The Climate Change Summit on 22 September 2009 at UN Head Quarter concluded that Climate Change was a defining challenge of our time and that the Copenhagen deal must be comprehensive and ensure:

i. Enhanced action to assist the most vulnerable and the poorest to adapt to the impacts of climate change;

ii. Ambitious emission reduction targets for industrialized countries;

iii. Nationally-appropriate mitigation actions by developing countries with the necessary support;

iv. Significantly scaled-up financial and technological resources; and

v. An equitable governance structure.

In the international negotiations on climate change, developed countries have called upon the major developing countries like India to contribute to global efforts for mitigation in form of commitments to undertake mitigation actions that will result in deviation from ‘Business As Usual’ in terms of emissions. Government’s approach to Climate Change is fully anchored in the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Action Plan. The actions of the Government of India will be guided by the principles of equity and the common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities as enshrined in the Convention and the policy laid down in the National Action Plan on Climate Change.The National Development Council (NDC) Meeting has not been convened so far.

Indi Proff

(This information was provided in Lokshaba's proceedings today)

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