YOUNG REASEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE (YRC) 2010, conducted at Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai

“Celebrating Green Technology with GO GREEN motive“

YRC provides the platform for the Research student to put their innovative ideas in the form of oral & poster presentations followed by thorough discussion.

The YRC offers enormous opportunities in a number of technologically important areas. The two day conference will provide a national platform for young researchers to exchange their ideas and explore the emerging directions.

It also aims at networking the research in academic institutes and research labs among the country. The conference focuses on research work of experimental, modelling & simulation nature. The conference would be dedicated to all fields of science and technology with an extensive interaction among the young researchers (Master’s & Doctoral level).

Papers based on author’s own research work are invited for oral/poster presentations. Researchers from academic institutes (Master and Doctoral level) and research labs can participate in the conference.
All those desirous of presenting a paper in the conference are requested to submit the papers till December 25, 2009 in the following fields:
• Green Chemistry :Design of product or process that will be reduce or eliminate use & generation of hazardous substances.
• Environmental pollution amendment.
• Basic sciences
• Biotechnology
• Chemical Engineering including Biochemical and Petrochemical
• Chemical Technology (Oils, Paints, Dyes, Textiles, Polymer, Food)
• Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology

Papers will be judged by the experts in the respective fields and participants will be intimated about acceptance of the paper till December 27st , 2009 after which they can register for the conference till January 7, 2009.

Selected papers will be allowed for oral/poster presentation in the conference. The selected article will be presented (LCD power point presentation) by the research student. The papers not selected for oral presentation may be considered for poster presentation.

The time allotted to each presentation will be 15 min followed by an interactive session of 5-10 min. All the participants are expected to attend & participate in the discussion. The corresponding author of the selected article will be intimated through email. The paper must be accompanied by registration fees. Only one paper from each author will be accepted.

Participants are requested to submit the paper in the following format: paper should be typed in Times New Roman (font size 12), double line spacing on A4 size paper leaving 1” margin from all sides. The title should be in bold followed by authors name(s) and affiliation as centre alignment. This should follow the Email ID of the presenting author. The presenting author should be underlined. Maximum pages allowed are ten including figures, tables and references.

Instructions for posters: The poster display space of 24” x 36” will be available for the poster presenter.
Please submit your paper at

Important dates
Submission of papers: 25th December 2009
Notification of acceptance: 27th December 2009
Conference: 14th January 2010

Indi Proff

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