Admissions to Masters in Medical Science and Technology | MMST 2010, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

What is this all about?
School of Medical Science and Technology (SMST), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur offers a 3 years post graduate program - Masters in Medical Science and Technology (MMST) for MBBS graduates. This programme imparts engineering skills to medical professionals and train them for the state-of-the-art medical research in frontier areas of Medical Imaging, Molecular Imaging and Image Analysis, Biomaterials and Implants, Biophysics, Medical Statistics, Telemedicine, Biomedical Instrumentation, Early Detection of Cancer, Immuno-technology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Biomedical Simulation, Wound research and so on.

Eligibility for MMST
The eligibility criterion for admission to MMST students is MBBS Degree (recognised by Medical Council of India) with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate and having studied mathematics at +2 level (even as additional subject) or from any recognized Open University. Seats are reserved for SC/ST candidates and persons with disability as per Govt. of India rules.

Mode of Selection
MMST students - The selection of is strictly based on the performance of the candidates in an objective type of written test of 2 hours duration. The candidate needs to answer 120 questions of one mark each (no negative marking) out of which 75 questions are from MBBS syllabi. The remaining questions are equally distributed to cover the syllabi of +2 level Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Candidates qualifying in the admission test will be called for counseling at IIT Kharagpur before final selection.

Important Dates
Access to ONLINE (internet) Application Form starts :1 February 2010
Last Date for ONLINE submission of Application Form (website closure):5 March 2010
Last Date to receive duly completed application Forms at GATE Office, IIT Kharagpur :15 March 2010
ADMISSION TEST: 25 April 2010(Sunday) (10:00 AM TO 12:00 Noon)

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