What is this all about?
An Internship scheme is initiated at the Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) under National Fusion Programme (NFP) sponsored by the Board Of Research In Fusion Science & Technology (BRFST). Applications are invited from Post Graduate Students (in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management), with good academic record, of recognized Institutes / Universities for NFP Internship scheme. Students interested in research areas related to science & technology of Fusion research/ Plasma physics are encouraged to apply for undertaking projects at IPR on various areas mentioned below, under the supervision of IPR scientists/engineers. Students can start their projects from semester beginning either around July or around January, depending on the schedule of their curriculum.
Who Can Apply?
Post Graduate (M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc./M.Phil/M.C.A./M.B.A) students, who have to do projects as a part of their curriculum of their Post Graduate Studies in any of the following disciplines : Physical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Sciences, Computer Applications and Management Sciences.
Areas of Research
Plasma Theory and simulations, Advanced Material Technologies, First Wall Engineering, Cryogenic and Magnet Technologies, RF & Microwave Technologies, Beam Technologies, Power Engineering Technologies, Advanced Data Acquisition and control Engineering, Nuclear Technologies, Plasma Diagnostics, Fusion Technology Management. Please refer to the NFP document for more details on projects. For further information regarding projects, please contact NFP.
Nature of Project work
Experimental, Theoretical, Computational or Management of scientific studies in the above-mentioned areas.
Duration of the Project work
Selected students will carry out their project work at IPR for a duration of 6 –12 months. For MCA students, the project duration will be 4-12 months as per the course curriculum requirements.
A stipend of Rs 5000/- per month, and also to & fro sleeper class train fare (by the shortest route, once during the stay) will be given to ONLY those students who are NOT getting financial support from any funding agency.
Interested students are advised to send in the completed application form in the prescribed format, along with TWO recommendation letters (from two different faculty members who have known you during your academic sessions) as per the attached format from their parent organization,
Submission deadline
The last dates for receiving applications for the NFP-Internship Scheme are
For projects starting around July 2010: 21rd May, 2010
For projects starting around January 2011: 19th Nov, 2010
Website Details: http://nfp.pssi.in/documents/nfp_internship.html
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