IISER Kolkata Summer Training | Research Project 2010 in Pure Sciences for M.Sc/Int. M.Sc/B.Sc/B.E/B.Tech

What is this all about?
IISER - Kolkata Summer Research Programme - 2010
IISER - Kolkata invites application for summer research programme in pure science. Under this programme, students are allowed to take part in ongoing research activities at IISER-K, under the supervision of faculty members. The duration of this programme is about 6-8 weeks, starting from 3rd week of May 2010. Students of following categories will be eligible to apply for the programme:

Who Can Apply?
* M.Sc - I year
* B.Sc/B.Pharm/B.V.Sc./M.B.B.S - I,II and III years
* Integrated M.Sc. - I, II and III years
* BE/B. Tech - II and III years.

The selected students will be given some financial support and accommodation from IISER-K during their stay at IISER. Interested students should send thier application consist of Academic details, A brief write-up about academic interest (less than a page), any other material supporting application to: summer2010@iiserkol.ac.in .

Submission deadline: before: 1st March 2010

Website Details: http://www.iiserkol.ac.in/

Indi Proff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a brand new chance for young minds...lets start storming!!