JRF/SRF/Research Associate positions in Nano Materials at NIT Rourkela

Temporary Post: JRF or SRF or Research Associate

Who Can Apply?
M.Sc.(Chemistry) with 65% marks and valid NET/GATE score for JRF;
M.Sc. (Chemistry) with 65% marks and two years of research experience or having M.E./M.Tech. (Ceramic/Materials Science) for SRF;
Ph.D. (in Chemistry/ Materials Science) or equivalent degree for RA

Desirable: Experience in research

Project Title: Surfactant Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Nanocrystalline Ceria Based Mixed Oxides Powders for Novel Applications

Tenure: 3 years unless extended by the sponsors

Job profile:
Synthesis and characterization of nano-particles, Candidate may opt for higher qualification.

Fellowship(JRF/SRF/Research Associate)
Rs.12,000 /Rs.14,000/Rs.16,000/-

For technical information on the project, the candidate may contact the Principal Investigator at the following address:
Name : Prof. Aparna Mondal
Address : Department of Chemistry, N.I.T.Rourkela-769 008
Telephone No : 0661-2462658(O), 2463209(R); Mobile: 9861285418
E-mail : aparnamondal@nitrkl.ac.in / aparnamondal@gmail.com

Eligible persons may apply in the attached prescribed format affixed with coloured photographs to be submitted in duplicate along with xerox copies of relevant certificates, grade mark sheets, publications etc., to Asst. Registrar, SRICCE, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela–769 008 . The cover should be super scribed clearly the post applied for & Name of the Project. Mere possession of minimum qualification does not guarantee invitation to the interview.
Candidates will be short listed based on merit and need of the project.

Submission deadline: on or before 15.03.2010

Website Details: http://www.nitrkl.ac.in/

Indi Proff

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