SRF vacancy in Chemical Engineering (separation of cheese whey proteins ) at NIT, Trichy

What is this all about?
Applications are invited from bright, young candidates for a temporary position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the project entitled “Environmentally benign Aqueous biphasic system for effective separation of cheese whey proteins (α-lactalbumin and b- lactoglobulin) from dairy effluent” sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi (Ref: SR/S3/CE/074/2009 dated 03-12-2009)

Position : Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Minimum Qualification : M.Tech (Chemical Engineering/Biotechnology)

Emoluments : Rs.14000/- p.m. for first two years Rs 15000/- p.m for third year

Age Limit : 30 Years

Duration of the Project : 3 Years

The position is purely temporary and up to the duration of the project. Eligible candidates may send their Bio-data to the following principal investigator address  either by post or by e-mail.
Dr. M.Perumalsamy,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Trichy – 620 015
E-mail :,
The selected candidate may be permitted to register for Ph.D. program as per the existing institute rules.

Submission deadline: on or before 02.03.2010

Website Details:

Indi Proff

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