Website: They created more than 50000 online Flashcards

Below are interesting details of an excellent and informative website.... FunnelBrain

  • This website is all about learning efficently online through interactive methods like FlashCards, social networking(academic), videos, audios etc.

  • This site very innovative in creating the knowledge base....the flash cards on various subjects are simple, interesting and fun to read .

How does a Flash Card look like....

  • There are many subjects covered in this site like wise... physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, ecology, psychology , history etc
  • Just as any social networking site , this site also allows you to create a academic network among your peers , friends, classmates etc.,
  • There are provisions to create a new flash card, edit a previously created flash card.

What's special about FunnelBrain? (obtained from the site)
Students work in teams to create review materials, paired with video explanations, for their class and leverage a learning management application known as the "Funnel" that tracks and monitors learning progress a with a spaced repetition algorithm.

So what are you waiting... visit this interesting website : but do come back to Indi Proff for more updates.

(Images and some relavant content obtained from Funnel Brain. Also thanks to Judy for posting this site in a post comment)

Indi Proff


Anonymous said...

As a teacher, I tell students to learn world capitals by going over them many times. Now, I also made these flashcards for them to try and learn them easier. Its quite simple to create these flashcards even for a technology newbie like me!

Indi Proff said...

Nice to see your comment Judy.... Welcome to my blog once again :)